What is SeeKoin ?
SeeKoin is a search engine that is focused only on Bitcoin. If you are looking for porn, SeeKoin is not the suitable place, except if you use Bitcoin for selling chocolate sex dolls.
Who is behind SeeKoin ?
An old timer fascinated by a currency that can't be controlled by the government. Simply call me Warren.
How can I rank well ?
Your website must be related to Bitcoin and have a perfect internal structure; linking can help as well, sometimes; Warren doesn't like complex URL such as "http://toto/i.php?name=BigJoe&passwd=Bigtits01&page=plenty". Warren can review your ranking, improve it or even spank you.
Do I need to use "bitcoin" in the search box ?
No, you should rather use "viagra". By the way, SeeKoin is a Bitcoin search engine, therefore you don't need to use this word in the search box.
Does SeeKoin support other cryptocurrencies ?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Blockchain sites are supported as well. Simply specify the name of your currency in the form to refine your request.
Do you spy on me, don't you ?
No, I don't care to know you like eating fried jellyfish.
Do you accept foreign language websites ?
No, only Mister Bean language will be supported. Foreign websites are deleted from the SeeKoin index.
What kind of content does your bot index ?
Bitcoin, blockchain and crypto content; images, PDF, and sometimes onion content when possible. Bobo, my overworked bot, will also look for information requested by the visitor.
Does SeeKoin use Google API or another search engine ?
No, SeeKoin has its own crawling and indexing capabilities. And it's really easier than what you thing.
I just submitted my website to SeeKoin. How long will it take to be indexed ?
It depends on the schedule of Bobo, my private bot. But don't expect it to be done in a few hours.
How can we chat together ?
You can contact me here.
Do you accept guest posts ?
Yes, as long as they are related to crypto. Please contact me for further questions.