Report for Bitcoin Address 12ZRG9sZEg3ZXT3Ddqc6u4KAFnkykKDybJ

Address: 12ZRG9sZEg3ZXT3Ddqc6u4KAFnkykKDybJ
Format: P2PKH
Hits: 19
Date: Jan 27, 2021 - 18:08
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check
Content: I guess you’re wondering why you’re receiving this email It would be highly beneficial to your privacy if you didn’t ignore it. We placed a malware/virus called Trojan on your phone and electronic device long ago, monitoring your activities while you cheat on your partner. You should have known cheating on someone who cares about you in never right. We have video and audio recordings we made from your phone and other electronic devices that will destroy everything you worked for. This has also affected your smartphone via an expl0it. So do not think for one minute you can circumvent this by reinstalling your OS or changing your password. You have already been recorded. Our malware’s collected your partners contact, friends and family emails and social contacts. I guess this isn’t good news? But don’t worry too much, there’s a way we can fix this privacy issue. All we require is a Bitcoin payment of £3,999.00 GBP which I think is a fair price considering the circumstances. Payment should be made to the Bitcoin address below: BITCOIN ADDRESS FOR PAYMENT: 12ZRG9sZEg3ZXT3Ddqc6u4KAFnkykKDybJ If you don’t understand Bitcoin, click reply on your email and reply to this message and we will tell you how to buy Bitcoin. You have only 48 hours after reading this e-mail to send payment (be warned we know when email was read, with a pixel image which enables me to know when you have opened) If you decide to ignore this email, we will have no choice but to forward the video to all the contacts on your phone, email account and place it on the internet. Considering your reputation, we highly doubt you want to be exposed to your family/friends/coworkers. If we receive payment all the material will be destroyed and you will never hear from us again. If we do not get the money for any reason, your reputation is going to be wrecked. So make it fast. Do not try to make contact with us because we using a victim email that was hacked and exposed.