
Report for Bitcoin Address 18YFLJHGufQQukMFRkJJJiz51mp21qN96p

Report for Bitcoin Address 18YFLJHGufQQukMFRkJJJiz51mp21qN96p

Address: 18YFLJHGufQQukMFRkJJJiz51mp21qN96p
Format: P2PKH
Hits: 18
Date: Sep 14, 2022 - 17:05
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: I am sorry to inform you but your device was hacked. [ lots of usual self-praise and nonsense about controlling my non-existing camera and microphone] I’ve been waiting enough and have decided that it’s time to put an end to this. Here is my offer. Let’s name this a “consulting fee” I need to get, so I can delete the media content I have been collecting. Your privacy stays untouched, if I get the payment. Otherwise, I will leak the most damaging content to your contacts and post it to a public website for perverts to view. You and I understand how damaging this will be to you, it's not that much money to keep your privacy. I don’t care about you personally, that's why you can be sure that all files I have and software on your device will be deleted immediately after I receive the transfer. I only care about getting paid. My modest consulting fee is 1700 US Dollars to be transferred in Bitcoin. Exchange rate at the time of the transfer. You need to send that amount to this wallet: 18YFLJHGufQQukMFRkJJJiz51mp21qN96p