
Report for Bitcoin Address 1CoAsA9imDQMFqucSn6RdryHUfmqtvtym3

Report for Bitcoin Address 1CoAsA9imDQMFqucSn6RdryHUfmqtvtym3

Address: 1CoAsA9imDQMFqucSn6RdryHUfmqtvtym3
Format: P2PKH
Hits: 71
Date: Nov 09, 2020 - 15:21
Type: Scam
Balance: Check

Content: Your device have been infected with a trojan virus spy malware.Your information such as password,videos,camera ,Nudity,Pornographic materials, photos,finacial info,contacts,documents and files have all been compromised. Spy malware can do more than you could possibily imagine and can be infected in so many ways you could not imagine, including full access to all the site you visited,access to webcam and microphone,full control of your device,ability to access, store,save,erase any information on your device and many more. Now that you know, WHAT YOU NEED TO DO is simple,you can choose to ignore this message and face the consequence or you can comply to this instruction and we both have a good day.As a reasonable person that i am,exposing the wealth of information i have about you does not serve any good to us.But to be fair, i am requesting that you send $580 to the Bitcoin Now you have limited time, Between (74 HRS) to transfer this fund to the Bitcoin account as above or be exposed.