
Report for Bitcoin Address 1Gates1myNmWcxritZ2r9zK5YUVHqnRxUj

Report for Bitcoin Address 1Gates1myNmWcxritZ2r9zK5YUVHqnRxUj

Address: 1Gates1myNmWcxritZ2r9zK5YUVHqnRxUj
Format: P2PKH
Hits: 47
Date: May 24, 2020 - 15:42
Type: Scam
Balance: Check

Content: Fake giveaway impersonating Bill Gates foundation. At a time of such global crisis, Microsoft is here to offer all the help that we can. We understand the financial uncertainty that some people may be facing right now, and have decided to giveaway 5,000 Bitcoin, in our best attempts to help out. How do I participate? If you would like to participate in the giveaway, it's very simple! All you need to do is send any amount of Bitcoin, (between 0.1 BTC - 20.0 BTC) to our official contribution address for this event, and once we have received your transaction, we will immediately send back (2x) to the address that you sent the Bitcoin from.