
Report for Bitcoin Address 1NqxEQi9pgmoCzi5vh43ByT9EgAbQqcW2o

Report for Bitcoin Address 1NqxEQi9pgmoCzi5vh43ByT9EgAbQqcW2o

Address: 1NqxEQi9pgmoCzi5vh43ByT9EgAbQqcW2o
Format: P2PKH
Hits: 15
Date: May 26, 2020 - 12:17
Type: Information
Balance: Check

Content: This address is supposed to belong to the Tulip Trust, some legal arrangements related to Craig Wright’s Bitcoin holdings, and/or a trust-like concept that combines smart contract scripts with a Bitcoin internal function called nLockTime. This one is a parameter of a transaction, that, if any input indicates so, mandates a minimal time before which the transaction cannot be accepted into a block. Craig Wright claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin creator. On May 25, 2020, someone signed a message from 100 addresses with BTC mined in 2009, calling Craig Wright a liar and a fraud. The exact message was: "Craig Steven Wright is a liar and a fraud. He doesn't have the keys used to sign this message. The Lightning Network is a significant achievement. However, we need to continue work on improving on-chain capacity. Unfortunately, the solution is not to just change a constant in the code or to allow powerful participants to force out others. We are all Satoshi." This apparently proves that the addresses belong to the person transmitting the message.