
Report for Bitcoin Address 1PBjmc8BGsaPiDPeHT8Ut3k5ZD7AKTbVY6

Report for Bitcoin Address 1PBjmc8BGsaPiDPeHT8Ut3k5ZD7AKTbVY6

Address: 1PBjmc8BGsaPiDPeHT8Ut3k5ZD7AKTbVY6
Format: P2PKH
Hits: 26
Date: Jul 14, 2020 - 17:35
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Read translation below

Content: 您好! 我是一名黑客,我已经成功侵入了您的操作系统。 我也拥有您账号的完整访问权限。 入侵您的帐户时,您的密码是: <SNIP> 我已经偷偷观察了您好几个月了。 事实是,因为您访问过的一个成人网站,您的电脑已经感染了恶意软件。 您可能不懂这是什么意思,让我来给您解释一下。 木马病毒能够让我获得某台电脑或其它设备的完整访问权限。 这意味着,我能在您不知道的情况下,看到您屏幕上的所有东西,并打开您的摄像头和麦克风。 我还能看到您所有的联系人信息和您所有的邮件往来。 为什么您的杀毒软件没有检测到恶意软件呢? 解答:我使用的是基于驱动的恶意软件,我每隔四个小时会更新一次它的签名,所以您的杀毒软件无法检测到它的存在。 我制作了一部视频,这部视频的左半边显示的是您正在取悦您自己的场景,而它的右半边显示的则是您当时正在观看的视频。 只要点击一下鼠标,我就能把这部视频发给跟您有来往的所有邮箱地址,以及您社交网络上的所有联系人。 我还可以公开您所有的电子邮件和您使用的聊天软件上的聊天记录。 如果您不想发生这样的事情的话, 那么就请将价值1500美金的比特币汇入我的比特币账户(如果您不知道如何操作的话,只需在谷歌上搜索:“购买比特币”)。 我的比特币账户信息(比特币钱包)为: 1PBjmc8BGsaPiDPeHT8Ut3k5ZD7AKTbVY6 在收到钱款后,我会马上删除此视频,并永远从您的生活中消失。 请在50个小时(超过2天)内完成付款。 在您看到这封邮件后,我会立即收到一个提示,而50个小时的倒数计时也将开始。 找人投诉是完全没有意义的,因为跟我的比特币账户一样,这封邮件是无法被追踪的。 我是非常谨慎的,从不犯错。 如果我发现您与其他人分享了此邮件,那么我将立即公开那部视频。 祝好!

Translation: Hello ! I am a hacker and I have successfully hacked into your operating system. I also have full access to your account. When hacking into your account, your password is: I have secretly observed you for several months. The fact is that because of an adult website you visited, your computer has been infected with malware. You may not understand what this means, let me explain it to you. Trojan horse virus allows me to gain full access to a computer or other devices. This means that I can see everything on your screen and turn on your camera and microphone without you knowing. I can also see all your contact information and all your mail exchanges. Why didn't your anti-virus software detect malware? Answer: I use driver-based malware. I update its signature every four hours, so your antivirus software cannot detect its presence. I made a video, the left half of this video shows you are pleasing your own scene, and the right half of it shows the video you were watching. With a click of a mouse, I can send this video to all email addresses you have contacts with, and all contacts on your social networks. I can also publish all your emails and the chat history on the chat software you use. If you don’t want this to happen, then please transfer $1500 worth of bitcoin to my bitcoin account (if you don’t know how to do it, just search on Google: "buy bitcoin"). My bitcoin account information (bitcoin wallet) is: 1PBjmc8BGsaPiDPeHT8Ut3k5ZD7AKTbVY6 After receiving the money, I will delete this video immediately and will disappear from your life forever. Please complete the payment within 50 hours (more than 2 days). After you see this email, I will immediately receive a reminder and the 50-hour countdown will begin. Finding someone to complain is completely meaningless, because like my Bitcoin account, this email cannot be tracked. I am very cautious and never make mistakes. If I find that you have shared this email with others, then I will immediately make that video public. good luck!