
Report for Bitcoin Address 1WozDbtAG2Y2MFkbmzMBMuKM8M7AUzBAL

Report for Bitcoin Address 1WozDbtAG2Y2MFkbmzMBMuKM8M7AUzBAL

Address: 1WozDbtAG2Y2MFkbmzMBMuKM8M7AUzBAL
Format: P2PKH
Hits: 73
Date: May 21, 2020 - 09:31
Type: Scam
Balance: Check

Content: Fake Bitcoin giveway using Steve Wozniak video. Target site is Join the giveaway. Steve Wozniak, Apple CTO have committed to a total of 10,000 BTC to give away to thank our users worldwide for their continued support and to help the cryptocurrency market. To participate you just need to send between 0,1 BTC to 25 BTC to the contribution address and we will immediately send you back between 1 BTC to 400 BTC to the address you sent it from.