
Report for Bitcoin Address 33Kja69SQVc8kozpoP7Qw6HFtGxHkiWzTz

Report for Bitcoin Address 33Kja69SQVc8kozpoP7Qw6HFtGxHkiWzTz

Address: 33Kja69SQVc8kozpoP7Qw6HFtGxHkiWzTz
Format: P2SH
Hits: 12
Date: Apr 30, 2024 - 19:40
Type: Scam
Balance: Check

Content: This address is linked to Guanghua Zheng, a drug dealer involved in the production and distribution of controlled substances, including potent fentanyl analogues like carfentanil, which is 100 times stronger than fentanyl. Zheng operated numerous websites advertising and selling illegal drugs in over 35 languages. Additionally, he was involved in producing counterfeit cancer medication, substituting the active cancer-fighting ingredient with hazardous synthetic drugs. Zheng utilized digital currencies for both production operations and sales.