
Report for Bitcoin Address 33jHkERu7bFyhjh6kz6r2wv7f3oicUfPjQ

Report for Bitcoin Address 33jHkERu7bFyhjh6kz6r2wv7f3oicUfPjQ

Address: 33jHkERu7bFyhjh6kz6r2wv7f3oicUfPjQ
Format: P2SH
Hits: 61
Date: Sep 15, 2021 - 17:59
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: I am a programmer and hacked your computer 3 months ago. I kept saving information all the time, such as: browsing history, screen recordings, contacts, messages and much more. I already wanted to forget you, but recently I saw something interesting on your desktop. I'm talking about the day you visited a porn site. I decided to record video from the webcam and desktop. Now I have a video of you masturbating yourself. You know what I mean😉 I connected to the webcam remotely, and turned off the indicator so that you would not notice anything. I have already written down all your contacts from the address book. All contacts from friends, acquaintances, relatives. All this will be with me. I am ready to forget about all this and completely stop accessing your computer and email. I guarantee I will not send these videos and delete all archives with them. After that I will leave and no longer bother you, but for that I want to have $500 worth of bitcoins in my wallet. You have 48 hours after reading this email. I still control your email and computer - and I know when you open them and read them. Don't try to change your email password, everything is under control. Do not try to contact me and answer this letter. I sent it to you from your email address. Take a look at the sender, you will see that I have complete control over your email and your computer. Bitcoin wallet address: 33jHkERu7bFyhjh6kz6r2wv7f3oicUfPjQ If you do not know how to buy bitcoins, you can find information on how to buy bitcoins online. If you need help, you can read several articles about it.