
Report for Bitcoin Address bc1q48ldwpse0qtgxjq49yhdvas2e6kl9u7hep4305

Report for Bitcoin Address bc1q48ldwpse0qtgxjq49yhdvas2e6kl9u7hep4305

Address: bc1q48ldwpse0qtgxjq49yhdvas2e6kl9u7hep4305
Format: Segwit
Hits: 43
Date: Aug 24, 2021 - 14:30
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: Let's settle it this way: You transfer $ 1900 USD to me, and once the transfer is received, I will delete all this dirty stuff right away. After that we will forget about each other. I also promise to deactivate and delete all the harmful software from your devices. Trust me, I keep my word. This is a fair deal and the price is quite low, considering that I have been checking out your profile and traffic for some time by now. In case, if you don't know how to purchase and transfer the bitcoins - you can use any modern search engine. Here is my bitcoin wallet (copy and paste): bc1q48ldwpse0qtgxjq49yhdvas2e6kl9u7hep4305 You have less than 48 hours from the moment you opened this email (precisely 2 days). Things you need to avoid from doing: * Do not reply me (I have created this email inside your inbox and generated the return address). * Do not try to contact police and other security services. In addition, forget about telling this to you friends. If I discover that (as you can see, it is really not so hard, considering that I control all your systems) - your video will be shared to public right away. * Don't try to find me - it is absolutely pointless. All the cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous. * Don't try to reinstall the OS on your devices or throw them away. It is pointless as well, since all the videos have already been saved at remote servers. Things you don't need to worry about: * That I won't be able to receive your funds transfer. - Don't worry, I will see it right away, once you complete the transfer, since I continuously track all your activities