
Report for Bitcoin Address bc1q5je6vu508dypqmke0kwxt64g0lnjph6u99ty67

Report for Bitcoin Address bc1q5je6vu508dypqmke0kwxt64g0lnjph6u99ty67

Address: bc1q5je6vu508dypqmke0kwxt64g0lnjph6u99ty67
Format: Segwit
Hits: 20
Date: Sep 08, 2022 - 21:18
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: All your data is a backed up. You have to send 0.2 Bitcoins to bc1q5je6vu508dypqmke0kwxt64g0lnjph6u99ty67 for recover it. After three confirmations on Bitcoin Network, we will send you to this email a link for you to download the data and we will erase our copy. You can buy BTC at with a credit card, or Or you can search the web. Use google. Google is your friend. In 48hs this price will double. WE ALWAYS RELEASE DATA AFTER PAYMENT. WE DO NOT RELEASE DATA WITHOUT PAYMENT. EVER. If you think we will release the data if you beg: WE DO NOT. The only way to receive back your data is PAYING. But remember: IN 48hs THIS PRICE WILL DOUBLE.