
Report for Bitcoin Address bc1qfzlmekudmjnhj88yjl8277zkzu6v9c2r890fan

Report for Bitcoin Address bc1qfzlmekudmjnhj88yjl8277zkzu6v9c2r890fan

Address: bc1qfzlmekudmjnhj88yjl8277zkzu6v9c2r890fan
Format: Segwit
Hits: 24
Date: Dec 12, 2022 - 18:42
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: Hi, I keep the whole story short. Your device got infected with my private trojan, it gave me access to all your files, accounts and contacts. Check the sender of this email, I sent it from your email account. I stole all your data and then I removed my trojan again, to not leave any traces. I KNOW EXACTLY ABOUT YOUR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES! It won't take a long time to send your data with the proof of your activities to the police. If you want to avoid jail time, send 1400$ in Bitcoin (BTC) to my address. You can easily buy Bitcoin (BTC), just Google: "Where to buy Bitcoin (BTC)?". My address is: bc1qfzlmekudmjnhj88yjl8277zkzu6v9c2r890fan Yes, that's how the address looks like, just copy and paste it, the address is (CaSe-SenSitiVE). You are given not more than 4 days after you have opened this email. Once I get the payment, I will remove everything, be sure, I keep my promises. Next time keep your device updated with the newest security patches.