
Report for Bitcoin Address bc1qupmp3ue6lqul2ea8dsfamr7mtacmzdtmgrq9g7

Report for Bitcoin Address bc1qupmp3ue6lqul2ea8dsfamr7mtacmzdtmgrq9g7

Address: bc1qupmp3ue6lqul2ea8dsfamr7mtacmzdtmgrq9g7
Format: Segwit
Hits: 21
Date: Aug 24, 2020 - 20:56
Type: Blackmail
Balance: Check

Content: Look from who sent this letter. This is you mail, right? I need your full attention for the coming 24 hrs, or I will certainly make sure you that you live out of guilt for the rest of your life span. You do not know me.However I know just about everything about you.Your facebook contact list, phone contacts along with all the virtual activity on your computer from past 148 days. And this includes, your self pleasure video footage, which brings me to the main reason why I am composing this particular mail to you. Previous time you visited the porn sites, my malware was triggered inside your personal computer which ended up recording a lovely video footage of your masturbation play by activating your webcam. I own the whole recording. If you think I am messing around, just reply proof and I will be forwarding the recording randomly to 4 people you recognize. It might be your friend, co workers, boss, mother and father (I'm not sure! My system will randomly select the contact details).Will you be able to gaze into anyone's eyes again after it? I doubt it. I'm going to make you a one time, non negotiable offer. Purchase 1000 USD in bitcoin and send it to the down below address: bc1qupmp3ue6lqul2ea8dsfamr7mtacmzdtmgrq9g7 (If you do not understand how, look online how to buy bitcoin. Do not waste my important time) If you send out this 'donation' (let's call it that?). Right after that, I will go away for good and never contact you again.I will erase everything I've got about you. You may very well proceed living your ordinary day to day life with no concerns. I give you one day for payment.I have a notification about reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense, because this letter cannot be traced, just like my Bitcoin address.I do not make mistakes.If I find out that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.