
Report for Bitcoin Address bc1qzm0lgr66nar4xh8yuk944casfenhak5vg5thhe

Report for Bitcoin Address bc1qzm0lgr66nar4xh8yuk944casfenhak5vg5thhe

Address: bc1qzm0lgr66nar4xh8yuk944casfenhak5vg5thhe
Format: Segwit
Hits: 35
Date: Jun 06, 2023 - 12:22
Type: Scam
Balance: Check

Content: Unsubstantiated Sextortion email with clearly impossible claims - they've filmed me with non-existent cameras and will release to all my contacts if I don't pay up. Go ahead! Send to my contacts; it would be good advertising for me - nothing I'm ashamed of down there :-D