Report for Bitcoin Address 394Eu5GD3h5aVBEd2PYd2BT5im9Po1671M

Address: 394Eu5GD3h5aVBEd2PYd2BT5im9Po1671M
Format: P2SH
Hits: 67
Date: Apr 10, 2021 - 17:39
Type: Scam
Pattern: Fake Elon Musk Giveaway
Balance: Check
Content: Fake giveaway impersonating Elon Musk. hxxps:// - Elon Musk and Tesla Presents 5,000 BTC Giveaway! Tesla has come along way in the past year and we couldn’t do it without you. We have bought $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin and soon we will start accepting payments in bitcoin in exchange for our products. To celebrate, Elon Musk has allocated 5,000 BTC to be given away! If you would like to participate in the giveaway, it's very simple! All you need to do is send any amount of Bitcoin, (between 0.01 BTC - 5 BTC) to our official contribution address (click) for this event, and once we have received your transaction, we will immediately send back (10x) to the address that you sent the Bitcoin from. If you want to get free ETH or ADA, you can check links below.